Birmingham Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Clinic
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Birmingham Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Clinic - Ankle Sprains




Addendum to the printable PDF document within the animations above.

*Most ankle sprains do not require surgery

*A small number of patients have associated conditions which predispose them to recurrent sprains (for example a heel which is tilted inwards, abnormal fusion between the heel bone and one other bone of the foot, etc). Different surgeries are needed for those conditions

*Rehabilitation of the muscles around the ankle (gaining proprioception) is an important part of the treatment protocol – both surgical and non surgical

*This document is a general information sheet and is meant to be read in conjunction with a BOFA clinic consultation and is not meant for self diagnosis which could be harmful.
*All surgical procedures have a small potential for complications and some are influenced by individual factors (severity of the deformity, blood circulation, obesity, diabetes, smoking etc). These will be discussed during the clinic consultation and noted in the consent form, a copy of which will be given to you.