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Dear Visitor, Welcome to my Patient Information Portal for Foot and Ankle conditions. I hope you find the information on this site useful and interesting. Teaching is my passion and I have found that pictures speak more than words and hence I have kept the textual matter to a minimum. I am an Orthopaedic surgeon with a special interest in Foot and Ankle conditions affecting adults and children. I work at the The Royal Orthopaedic NHS Hospital, Birmingham and The Birmingham Children’s NHS Hospital, both of which are tertiary referral centres. Additionally, I have recently established The Birmingham Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Clinic, with consulations at two BMI Hospitals. I feel that each of us have a distinct character to our feet, as we do in our personalities and one bunion is not the same as another. The information is intentionally brief allowing the surgeon to fill in the gaps after a clinical examination. The foot is unique in being the load bearer, shock absorber and power train of the body and has an extremely complex structure and biomechanics. At the same time it is very sensitive and unforgiving of malalignments. Quick fix solutions may not always be possible and additional input may also be required from a multidisciplinary team of Radiologists, Anaesthetists (Pain consultants), physiotherapists, nurses and orthotists. It is important to view problems of the foot in a holistic way including its relationship to the alignment in the hips, knees, spine and general medical conditions. Orthopaedic surgical expertise allows one to have this unique insight in making a diagnosis, especially if it involves more than one pathology or joint. While it is important to improve patient care through innovative surgeries, I have always followed the dictum of "Primum non nocere" - First do not harm. This belief allows me to identify a judicious balance between traditionally proven surgeries and new procedures and concepts. Orthopaedic surgery would not be as satisfying if not for the joy of interacting with patients. I am always grateful for the NHS which offers me this privilege to provide the best care for all citizens. I look forward to improving the patient information content of this site in the coming years.